Participation in technical cooperation programs of
government offices and public agencies, including the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry, JETRO, JICA, and HIDA, as well as the
dispatch of experts and training tours for visitors to Japan.
government offices and public agencies, including the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry, JETRO, JICA, and HIDA, as well as the
dispatch of experts and training tours for visitors to Japan.
How Japan can contribute to the international community is an important issue.
One for it is contribution activity supports economic development and industrial promotion in developing countries by providing Japan’s excellent technology and management know-how.
WBA participates in technical cooperation programs arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and public organizations, such as JETRO, JICA, and AOTS, and dispatches experts to other countries and accepts overseas trainees to Japan.